Artful Reads: Our Curated Art Magazines

Eight colorful art magazines laid flat on the floor overlapping one another

We might be living in a digital age, but the print magazine is far from dead. In fact, there seem to be more indie art publications now than ever before. We have a special soft spot in our hearts for print magazines. Before we were a shop, we were a hyperlocal publication - and while we primarily published online, we did produce two special edition print issues inspired by some of our favorite print magazines.

Now we’re proud to carry a collection of unique, artful magazines for readers of all ages! Here’s a look at what we stock in the shop.

A hand holding up three issues of Illustoria magazine against a colorful background

ILLUSTORIA was founded in 2016 by its former editor-in-chief, Joanne Meiyi Chan, a longtime children’s book editor & passionate kid-lit lover, and her partner, Mark Rogero, a designer and maker (Concreteworks, Open Hand Ranch). Together they created Illustoria Magazine as a high-quality print publication for creative kids and their grownups to slow down and enjoy stories, art, and activities; and as a counter to our fast-paced, digital age.

“I wanted an experience where kids and grownups could enjoy comics and stories together, be exposed to contemporary artists and makers working their crafts out in the world, discover the next best song to put on repeat, find a fun new recipe to cook up for dinner, feed their imaginations and get inspired to make, journal, draw, craft and express something unique and true to themselves,” said Joanne.

Illustoria celebrates visual storytelling, makers, and DIY culture through print and beyond. We love that each issue can be enjoyed by the entire family, each focused on its own theme. Right now, we have issues 17 (Senses), 19 (Cats & Dogs), 20 (Mystery), and 21 (Humor), with issue 22 (Invention) on the way!

A hand holding up two issues of YNST Magazine

YNST (You’re Not Seeing Things) Magazine is a print & digital media company dedicated to amplifying the unseen creative voices of Appalachia’s arts & culture. Based in Wheeling, WV, the YNST has been warmly received across the region and has even featured a few of our local artists and small businesses here in Marietta!

“We are on a mission to portray home with a contemporary, colorful lens by capturing the region’s vital storytellers, unique designers, impactful photographers, dynamic artists, and underrepresented perspectives,” said Editor-in-Chief Adam Payne. “We offer the community of emerging creative professionals in West Virginia and greater Appalachia an unprecedented platform to spotlight their work. Our region is an undeniable creative force, and it’s time the rest of the world sees that too.”

We couldn’t agree more with Adam’s vision and we are super impressed with the first two issues of YNST. We have limited copies of Issue 02 left in the shop and only one copy of Issue 01 remains! But don’t worry, Issue 03 is already en route and we cannot wait to read it front to back.

A hand holding up Mushroom People and Catnip magazines

From cannabis to mushrooms, snails to flowers, Broccoli's artful books, magazines, and printed goods are designed for countercultural dreamers who love nature. We currently carry two of these delightfully thicc publications:

Mushroom People is a special edition, single-issue magazine for mycophiles. Broccoli called on artists, writers, and fungi enthusiasts from around the world to explore mushroom fact and fantasy, collecting specimens of all kinds: the strange and familiar, beautiful and ugly, toxic and healing, ephemeral and enduring. 192 pages long, the magazine delves into folklore, citizen mycology, neuroscience, and much, much more.

Catnip is a magazine for a unique breed of cat people. This 216-page collectible publication from the makers of Broccoli paws at the paradoxes of a creature that embodies playfulness and repose, wildness and domesticity, the everyday and the absurd. With catlike curiosity and feline flair, we go to the kittiest corners of the world to scratch the surface of cat culture and uncover the many reasons why cats enchant us.

The folks behind Catnip and Mushroom People are also working on a new music magazine and you better believe we’ll be stocking that, too!

A hand holding up Uppercase Magazine against a colorful background

UPPERCASE is a quarterly magazine for the creative and curious inspired by craft, design, typography, and illustration. Published since 2009, Uppercase has an enthusiastic and loyal readership of designers, illustrators, craftspeople, creative entrepreneurs, and paper lovers around the world. Ads-free, with high-quality production values and a unique design aesthetic, the content of each issue is eclectic and inspiring.

The magazine is published, edited, and designed by Janine (talk about a power-house woman-owned business!) who is supported by a talented roster of core contributing writers, illustrators, and photographers.

We currently have Issue 58 and 60 in stock, with issue 61 on the way!

Is there an interesting or artful magazine you wish we stocked? Let us know!


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